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Calendar of Events

Events this month

Topic: PEC (Picture Exchange) System with Developmental Preschool Teacher Rachel Eng & ECEAP Teacher Christian Fuentes
Demonstration by preschool student here:

Childcare will be provided at this event. Please indicate when registering if you'll be using the childcare provided.

This is a great tool for pre-verbal, nonverbal or low-verbal children to communicate their wants and needs and can help avoid meltdowns and frustration. It is also a good tool for children that like a picture routine or calendar.

For the potluck, if your last name begins with:
A-G Bring a dessert
H-P Bring a main dish (casserole, chicken, etc)
Q-Z Bring a side dish (veggies, salad, mac n cheese)

Please RSVP (blue button) above so we know to look for you . Hope to see you there!

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