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Calendar of Events

Events this month

Become a Sponsor for the WWVDN Tenth Anniversary Celebration

The WWVDN Tenth Anniversary Dinner, Auction, & Entertainment will take place September 26, 2024 from 6:00pm to 9:00pm at the Marriott Courtyard located at 550 W Rose St, Walla Walla.

Become a sponsor of this celebration to show your support and appreciation for the many ABILITIES of our friends, family, and community members with disabilities and the place the Walla Walla Valley Disability Network holds in our community as a hub of information and resources.

Sponsorship Opportunities:
Gold Sponsor ~ $2,500
~ Business name/logo on all printed materials for WWVDN for one year
~ Business name/logo on WWVDN website for one year
~ Acknowledgement of sponsorship in September electronic newsletter distributed to 750+ families and professionals
~ Complimentary table of six located in prime space for entertainment
~ 15 complimentary necklaces for Heads/Tails game

The Greatest Showman's Sponsor ~ $1,000
~ Business name/logo on printed materials for event
~ Acknowledgement of sponsorship in September electronic newsletter that reaches 750+ families and professionals
~ 2 complimentary tickets for the event
~ 10 complimentary necklaces for Heads/Tails game

"This Is Me" Sponsor ~ $500
~ Business name/logo on printed materials for the event
~ Acknowledgement of sponsorship in September electronic newsletter that reaches 750+ families and professionals
~ 5 complimentary necklaces for Heads/Tails game

Sponsor ~ $250
~ Acknowledgement of sponsorship in September electronic newsletter that reaches 750+ families and professionals
~ 5 complimentary necklaces for Heads/Tails game

To become a sponsor, please select the blue button above.

Thank You to our Sponsors