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Board & Staff

Carla Nibler

Carla Nibler, Vice President

I moved to this beautiful valley in 1980, married a local farmer, Gary, and raised two sons, Mark and John. Being the oldest of 8 children, raised in Idaho and having moved from the wilds of Wyoming, I thought myself very prepared for farm life and raising kids. So Mark’s arrival in 1988 was a most humbling experience for this over confident mother. This darling baby who looked so much like Gary didn’t sleep through the night (still doesn’t), crawled at 10 months, walked at 23 months and said, “Dadda, Momma and Baby” at three. Things just didn’t go as planned. I reluctantly joined Parent to Parent when Mark started Special Education pre-school and knew once he starting talking his development would catch up. WRONG! But due to the patience of then P2P coordinator, Teri Hough, and the comfort of other P2P parents, I learned to enjoy my son for who he was. A delightful blonde haired blue eyed wonder with autism spectrum disorder. Yes, he has intellectual delays. No, he rarely has tantrums anymore. No, he still doesn’t speak very well. Yes, he is a happy, independent, industrious young man, who thinks he’s one “cool dude!” Having joined P2P 28 years ago and over the years employed as the Senior P2P Coordinator, then later the Lead Family Resources Coordinator for the Birth to Three Program, and a Board member of Lillie Rice Center, I could see the value of support for persons with disabilities and their families. I was thrilled when two of my dear friends and I pushed forward to help grow services in the Valley by establishing Walla Walla Valley Disability Network in 2014. I hope to help accomplish our mission to improve the quality of life for persons with disabilities and their families through community access and support with humility, a smile and a sense of humor. I strive with the help of our Board to educate our families, schools, community and legislators so those with differences have the opportunities to become the wonderful able people God made them. Each one is such a blessing! In our spare time Gary and I enjoy travelling in the U.S. I also enjoy history, museums, reading almost anything and visiting family and friends. My motto: Life is what you make it and I choose to make mine full of love and laughter. Life is Good!

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