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Website Hyperlink Policy

Website Hyperlink Policy

This document outlines the procedures and considerations for including hyperlinks, or “links,” within WWVDN web pages that redirect users to external web pages. Because WWVDN does not control the content of external sites, WWVDN cannot guarantee the quality and integrity of sites to which they link (and, therefore, must post a disclaimer). That said, WWVDN website managers have a duty of due diligence to assess the overall quality and presentation of data on a “candidate” external site before establishing a link to it.

WWVDN values the input of our community - families, self-advocates, and professionals. It is the policy of Walla Walla Valley Disability Network to review all resource recommendations and make a determination regarding whether or not to provide hyperlinks on our website (

Guidelines to making that determination:

1. Does this resource further the mission of our nonprofit, namely “to improve the quality of life for individuals with disabilities and their families through community inclusion and support.”

2. Who made the referral - we prioritize referrals from our constituents. Families and self-advocates who have found the resource to be helpful and are sharing it with us take top consideration. Organizations that are advocating that they be included are of secondary importance.

3. Organizations that are research-based or advocacy-based are given higher priority than organizations that are not. Organizations that are marketing a service or product will rarely be included on our website.

4. WWVDN will occasionally include links to websites that sell a product or service that we have deemed appropriate for, of potential use to, or that is quality information for the individuals and/or families and caregivers in our network. We reserve the right to make that decision without notifying the requestor.

5. WWVDN may decline to include a requestor’s link without giving notice or justification to the requestor.

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