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Parent to Parent Stories

Tahasha Foxe, SOAR Director

Picture of girl with her father

My name is Tahasha, but people call me Tash. I have worked with children from birth through sixth grade for the last 11 years, now I get the opportunity to work with teens and adults through the Walla Walla Valley Disability Network's SOAR program! I have an aunt and a sister who are both developmentally disabled, I have grown up learning to love, show compassion, and help those who need it most. I am currently pursuing my Bachelors degree in Elementary Education. I enjoy reading, camping, kayaking, and paper crafting. 

SOAR stands for Social Opportunities and Recreation. My goal for this new program is to create safe opportunities for our teens and adults to socialize with one another, engage with our community, practice life skills, and of course, have fun! My hope is that teens and adults will form long lasting friendships within the clubs and community, and that SOAR clubs would be a place they feel safe and supported during activities that allow them a little more independence.

I  am so excited to serve our local communities and families and I look forward to getting to know you! 

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